5 Common Treatment Options for Spinal Problems

5 Common Treatment Options for Spinal Problems

We all want the best care possible when it comes to our health. This is especially true when it comes to our spine. We rely on our spine to keep us upright and mobile, and any issue can cause immense pain and discomfort. Luckily, there are several treatments available for spinal issues. Here are five of the most common treatments.

  1. Spinal surgery (e.g., decompression, fusion, vertebroplasty) – Surgery is considered a last line of defense for spinal problems, but it can effectively address certain issues. It involves removing pressure from the spine. This could mean decompressing an area by taking out some bone to allow room for the affected nerves or fusing two parts of the spine so they don’t move independently anymore.
  2. Spine implants (e.g., artificial discs, rods/plates) – Implants are a type of surgery that involves putting artificial elements into the spine to replace or support damaged areas. They are also used for fractures and tumors. Artificial discs can be inserted between two vertebrae, while rods/plates may be used to keep an area from collapsing due to injury. Implants are usually better for younger patients who want to maintain mobility and avoid fusion surgery.
  3. Rehabilitation/physical therapy (e.g., exercise) – As with other areas of health care like cardiac issues, physical therapy can effectively address spinal problems without invasive treatments such as those mentioned above. Spinal conditions often respond well to simple exercises that focus on stretching and strengthening muscles surrounding the area where there is a problem.
  4. Medication (e.g., anti-inflammatory drugs) – Sometimes, medication is the best treatment for a back or neck problem. Anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce pain and inflammation in these areas while also helping to avoid surgery. However, medications should not be considered a long-term treatment because they only address symptoms rather than the cause of the issue.
  5. Chiropractic care – Chiropractors specialize in treating problems with the spine and nervous system. They use various techniques to help align the spine, reduce pain, and improve function. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option that is effective for many people.

No one treatment is right for everyone with a spinal problem. Therefore, it is important to consult with a professional such as adrspine.com to find the best treatment for you. They will work with you to determine which option is best for you based on your situation. You don’t have to suffer from pain any longer – there is a solution out there that can help.